The Khalma community uses ratings to verify our hosts, professionals and experiences to maintain a reputable community and create a positive atmosphere for all.

Rating once you have been to an experience benefits everyone and just takes a minute!

Thus, we reward our "Khalmer of the month" for helping other people to feel better and healthier by participating in rating the experience, venue and professional.

How was your experience? Would you recommend the experience, the venue, or the professional to other people who might be interested? Was there something that you did not like?

Once you have finished your experience, please go to the experience's page and leave a comment. It would be very easy and helpful, for example to say:

Before enjoying this experience, I thought.... or I felt.... And after doing it, .........

With this experience I have discovered......, since I before thought that......

We would appreciate any feedback or comments you may have about the professionals and venues; you can do it by clicking on their profile.

Remember! It is very easy and you will get prizes and rewards, it is also very important for the well-being and growth of your Khalma community, don't forget it!

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